Swimming Babies : 5 Reasons To Start Them Young (VIDEO)

Listed below are 5 reasons you need to start baby swimming sessions (whenever you’re ready):
  1. Babies who’re usually stationary, feel independent when they move around in water. This teaches them balance and coordination along with confidence. This can also be a great boost at the child’s self-esteem. The motion of the water gives an awareness of self that cannot be gained otherwise.
  2. Children who regularly swim are less likely to panic in water, giving them a better chance in the event of an accident. They will also learn to respect water and gain an understanding of water safety.
  3. By stimulating senses out of the normal everyday experiences, the focus, independence, and physical awareness together encourage brain development.
  4. Swimming is known to improve the strength of the heart and lungs along with an improve in muscle development. Getting your child into a healthy and active lifestyle early on will set the ground for your child’s future and will become the norm in the years to come.
  5. Interacting with other babies, learning to wait their turn and appreciating the achievements of others will instill good social skills, team work and even language development in your little one.
Many parents suggest that the combination of gentle exercise and warm water helps their baby sleep better and even stimulates their appetites. You can join in on swimming classes along side your child to make it a fun way to bond with your child or just sit around and enjoy watching your little person learn a life-skill.

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