Ports hurdles may hamper policy on imported vehicles

        Ports hurdles may hamper policy on imported vehicles

THE high cost of operations at the nation’s seaports may hinder the effectiveness of the ban on importa-tion of vehicles through  the land borders, or ports of neighbouring countries, it was learnt yesterday.
Operators complain of high Customs duty and  levies that are not applicable in the neighbouring ports. Some of these charges, which  have scared operators over time, include the 35 per cent duty and another 35 per cent levy on new vehicles.

Also, there is 35 per cent duty imposed on used vehicles which are not applicable in Cotonou and other neighbouring ports that serve as an inducement or incentive to Nigerian vehicle importers.
Besides, tracing capability and speed, poor yard planning and spacing, online accessibility of pricing and quick debt note reconciliation, among others,  are challenges responsible for high cost of operations at Nigerian ports.

Other areas the government needs to look into include poor port access road, the gridlock in Apapa, trailer park, low level of automation and integration of handling process by government agencies  such as terminal operators, importers, truck drivers and clearing agents; poor infrastructure investment profile by the government; un-streamlined movement of containers per crane, per hour from ships to stacking position and the trucks.

National Council of Managing Directors of Licensed Customs Agents (NCMDLCA) National President, Mr. Lucky Amiwero, said the import duty on used vehicles has negatively impacted operations at the port and led to massive revenue and job loss.

He said poor access road and arbitrary import duty hike led to the diversion of vessels carrying vehicles to the ports of neighbouring West African countries, thereby boosting operations in those ports, especially the Port of Cotonou at the expense of Nigerian ports. The development, he said, had also negatively affected the operations of dockworkers, licensed Customs agents, freight forwarders, truckers and others.

Nigerian ports, he said, have lost about 80 per cent of their vehicle cargo as a result of 35 per cent duty which has done more harm than good to the economy. ‘’It has promoted smuggling and led to huge loss of government and private sector revenue to the advantage of the ports of neighbouring countries. It is estimated that no fewer than 5,000 jobs and  several billions of naira  is lost annually to cargo diversion.”

Also, Association of Nigerian Licensed Customs Agents (ANLCA) president, Prince Olayiwola Shittu blamed the high cost of vehicle processing at the ports to diversion ans loss of revenue
Importers, he said, clear many charges before taking their goods out of the ports, urging the government to address the problem and reduce the cost of doing business at the ports.
Importers pay Customs duties and levies that are not uniform in most of the nation’s sea ports. Other tariff that make the ports expensive are the seven per cent development levy; one per cent comprehensive import supervision scheme; 0.5 per cent  ECOWAS Trade Liberation Scheme (ETLS); NIMASA/NPA  Sea  Protection Levy (SPL); haulage cost– transportation per TEU and terminal operator progressive stage charges.

Importers, Shittu said, also pay terminal operator documentation; terminal operator examination; terminal operator scan fees; terminal operator scan loading fee; terminal operator delivery; terminal operator terminal handling and terminal operator labour fees.
“They also pay shipping line demurrage; shipping line agency; shipping line documentation; shipping lines telex release; Shipping line, container; shipping line container deposit fees; terminal operators two weeks additional advance rating period; shipping line two weeks additional advance rating period; shipping line minimum of one month grace for container deposit refund; freight forwarders professional fee – unstreamilined; and several inconsiderate charges at the terminals, among others,” he said Lagos Shippers Association  President, Mr Jonathan Nicol, said the five per cent Value Added Tax (VAT) and the one per cent Pre-Arrival Assessment Report (PAAR) charge were some of the charges.
The others are the 35 per cent Automobile Levy and the Common External Tariff Levy.
According to him, the combined charges on one consignment affect shipper’s profit.
He urged the Federal Government to address industrialists’ cry to reduce the charges.
According to him, the Federal Ministry of Finance should provide leadership in managing the problems of the shipping community.

The shippers’ boss said the government should think about the huge investments in building the seaports and maritime prospects in the next 20 years to attract more cargoes.
Nicol also suggested that plans must be made to secure and promote local industries, the manufacturing sector and the shippers.
He noted that it was the duty of the government to encourage private entrepreneurs to contribute to the economy’s growth.
“When you add the costs of generating power in a factory with salaries, these costs cannot be by-passed whether you like it or not.

“You must provide power for your factory and you must pay staff salaries,” he said.
Nicol said the bottlenecks at the ports were largely the reasons behind the government’s appointment of the Nigerian Shippers’ Council as the economic regulator.
He condemned the government’s inability to enforce the Coastal and Inland Shipping Act 2003 (Cabotage Act) to enable indigenous ship owners participate in crude oil lifting.
He said the government should implement the law to allow indigenous shipping companies participate in oil business.
A maritime lawyer, Mr Dipo Alaka, berated the government for not streamlining the charges.
“To make matters worse, importers and clearing agents are compelled to pay demurrage on containers for the numbers of days containers remain at the port, even when there is system breakdown caused by the service providers.
“The truth is that bulk terminals at the ports are struggling to pay their bills and meet their financial obligations to the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) due to the plethora of banned products and the hike on import duties on others.

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