Nursing Baby While Running A Marathon, Taking Multitasking To A Whole New Level!


If there is anything that you learn from being parents it’s the ability to multitask, but then you hear these stories where mothers have taken it to the next level. Meet Emily Sabato who ran a marathon at just nine and half months postpartum. While this is crazy enough, she did not stop here. She not only trained for the marathon just few months postpartum, but she also nursed her daughter while completing the track.

The first photo was shared by the Nationwide Nurse-In Events and Breastfeeding Laws1 where she was seen nursing her baby.
When interviewed by Huffinton Post,2 the Sabato said, “The whole thing was a little surreal. I actually didn’t know if it would work out, if anyone would stop the handoff. But it was fine, and she latched immediately…I got a lot of cheering and positive reinforcement. One person was confused and said ‘Is that a baby on the course?’ Lots of women―and maybe even some men―shouted encouraging things. One runner tapped me on the shoulder and said she did the same thing at Mile 8!”
Isn’t this woman amazing?

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